
My schedule's gotten slightly less crazy. So here's a dino to celebrate!


An idea

I’m going to draw more consistently in my sketchbook. I’m already drawing a ton every day, but usually it’s for client work, and I haven’t been sketching for the pure enjoyment of it. I’m going to keep one sketchbook and one drawing tool at my desk until I fill the book. I’m hoping that by getting rid of choices and only using one book and one medium, I’ll get into sketching more quickly and increase my creative output. Here’s a page from today.

Happy publication day!

Get a Hit, Mo! is out today in bookstores everywhere, so I thought I’d share a few little sketches to celebrate.

These are the cover thumbnails for the book. I thought the Hamlet idea was pretty awesome, but it didn’t make the cut.

And here are some early rough concepts for Mo’s baseball look.

That’s it for now!

Mo cover sketch

The sequel to Don’t Throw It to Mo! comes out Tuesday, so I thought I’d share a quick sketch from the new book. In this sketch for the cover, Mo was right handed, but as the illustration process continued, I thought it’d be great to switch things up a bit and have him be a lefty.

So Mo’s a lefty throughout the book. In some ways, the leftie thing was a bit of a bummer, because I wanted Mo to be facing right, and the only way for him to do that if he was left handed would be for his back to face the viewer. So, in the final cover he’s facing left.

In the coming weeks, I hope to post more often (even though I have two books due in March, which is making me crazy), and I’ll show some more preliminary work for Mo.

More Dark Lord Stuff

After a long silence, more stuff! Here's some more imagery from the covers I did for Bloomsbury's Dark Lord series. If you haven't picked it up, it's a really fun maniacally awesome read.I don't have any amazing commentary on this, except that I'm still trying hard to make my final illustrations as lively as the sketches.



A little thumbnail that reminds me of now.

CC kids

Doodling away today and started drawing cross country kids again.

Coyote sketches

I created these a while back while I was working on a project for Snowbird Ski Resort (their site redesign is nice, by the way). None of these made the final cut, but I thought they looked pretty cool, and I ran across them again today.I hope I didn't post these already...


One of my goals in life should be to illustrate every Roald Dahl book, even though Quentin Blake already did. Here's a doodle of Matilda.


Since I was sadly unable to watch Monsters University today, I thought I'd at least do a good turn and post a drawing. Me and Roz.